Crowd Help Center


Social Help Center


Market Help Center


Business Help Center


Events Help Center


How do I create a campaign?

From the dashboard, click on Campaign, then Create Campaign from the pop up menu.

You will then be prompted to pick which type of compaign you want to setup.

How do I check my campaign transactions?

On the dashboard click on "Campaigns" and choose "My Transactions" from the pop up menu and follow the prompts

Can my Business or Community create a campaign?

Yes. You can choose which type when you create a new campaign

How do I manage my campaigns?

From the dashboard, choose CAMPAIGNS, then Campaign Home. Click On Manage Campaigns and from the drop down options you can choose to manage your own, your community's or your businesses campaigns.


How do I check my past campaigns?

From the home dashboard click on "Campaigns" and then Campaign Home. Chose Past campaigns" from the tabs at the top

Can a user contribute to a campaign anonymously?

Yes, when a user clicks on the CONTRIBUTE button inside a Campaign, they will be asked if they want to contribute anonymously.

How do I see a list of contributors in a campaign?

From the dashboard, select CAMPAIGNS, then Campaign Home from the pop up menu. Click on the campaign you want to check. Under the Menu items to the left choose "Contributors"



How can I send a message to contributors of a campaign I am officer of?

From the dashboard, select CAMPAIGNS, then Campaign Home from the pop up menu. Click on the campaign you want to check. Under the Menu items to the left choose "Contributors"

From here you can click on the contributors icon and send a message.